मंगलवार, 10 अप्रैल 2018

Future of Sanatan Dharma

The future of religion in the world will be Sanatan Dharma. But first let me say what I mean by Sanatan Dharma. The Sanatan Dharma will be an state of consciousness in which an individual's main goal will be to find the answer of existential question of life i.e. what is the purpose of life? Who am I other than this body and mind? And where will I go? And the individual will not be satisfied with any belief as propagated in any religion rather they will experience it by themselves. Development of science and becoming of it as currently the only Dharma which everyone accept and revere has paved the path of Sanatan Dharma to be revealed to the world. It is more so because the search of our existence has brought science to the cliff where there is no other option but to jump into the way of realization through spiritual processes/experiments where one need to go inside oneself to know the truth. It is so because through material experiments we cannot realize consciousness which is more fundamental than materials. Consciousness can only be realized through consciousness which each one of us are. So, increment in the number of other belief people should not be the primary concern of Hindus but it should be to kindle that quest in people to search for the truth and offer them the methods to experience the truth irrespective of their other states, be it financial, social etc. Till then conversion is an intermediate process and if it is satisfying the need of kindling that quest to know the answer then let it be so. The main purpose should be the elevation of consciousness of human race to get drive by seeking the truth.
My speculation is in past when Sanatan Dharma was on its peak the people who were key for the society to drive and sustain were on same state of consciousness all over the globe though they may be physically, geographically, culturally very much separated so much so that they would be not aware about one another's existence on this planet.
How the driving force of life i.e. seeking the answer for fundamental questions of life and keeping it as first priority of life vanished and thus various beliefs originated and spread which we today know as religion, I am not able to get. It may be that people who were on the forefront to keep this light in the heart awakened lost their prominence and thus people by default started seeking for material goals in life.
When consciousness grows

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